Kissing multiple partners is at risk of meningitis

A study by Australian scientists said that people who often kissed many different partners are at risk of dying: Meningitis.

Picture 1 of Kissing multiple partners is at risk of meningitis Kissing a person does not lead to a risk of meningitis (Photo: TTO) The disease has increased in minors in the United States and the United Kingdom since the 1990s. Although a vaccine against meningitis C has been in use since 1999, but there is still the threat of other forms of this deadly disease. For every 10 teenagers, there is a bacterial meningitis infection.

Researchers interviewed 144 young people aged 15-19 who were diagnosed with hospitalized meningitis. They asked these children about their relationships and took blood, saliva and throat for testing. Researchers found that the majority of patients often attended gala and cuddled, kissing many different partners.

Professor Robert Booy, who led the study, said: "We have many types of bacteria in the palate. The bacteria that cause meningitis can spread easily through saliva . "

He hopes that young people who often assume that they "never get sick" should change their minds because of this deadly disease without leaving anyone.