Laboratory simulating the environment on Mars

The Padoue University Italian researchers have established a laboratory capable of replicating living conditions on other planets.

Picture 1 of Laboratory simulating the environment on Mars Inside the LISA cylindrical steel lab (Environmental Simulation Lab Italy), one can alter the composition of the atmosphere, pressure, temperature and exposure to light, for example to reproduce the environment on Mars.

The first test will study the behavior of bacterial species particularly resistant to conditions in Mars. This will help to understand the life forms that can exist on Mars and allow orientation of future great porcelain studies to 'red planet'.

In the second phase, studies will target living conditions on other planets such as Titan, Saturn's satellites covering hydrocarbure.

LISA laboratory creators - Giuseppe Galletaa, specialist of cosmology of Padoue University, Maurizio D'Alessandro of Astronomical Observatory and Giulo Fanti of the Center for Space Research and Activities - even It is expected to develop more broad applications such as studying the durability of the electric circuits in the Antarctic or the reaction of cells in the human body when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.