Laser map the ancient city in Jordan

Scientists use Jerash's ancient laser beam in Jordan to map the location and compare historical photographs with remnants.

Picture 1 of Laser map the ancient city in Jordan
Jerash - the ancient city in Jordan is famous for ancient Greek-Roman architectural columns.

Jerash is a world-famous historical site with long streets and shopping districts with Greek-Roman pillars. It also shows the lecture halls, the race track, the temple. Most monumental structures are still preserved.

Stott is one of the researchers who uses a laser from an airplane to create a precise 3D location map. , has revolutionized the archeology industry to map large areas with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

This mapping revealed a new clue about how ancient people transported water from nearby rivers and streams, showing a sophisticated system of water and irrigation pipes into the ancient city. Recently, scientists have also used LiDAR to detect 60,000 ancient Mayan works in a forest in northern Guatemala.