Legend of the wife of the

People only know the talent for plotting, whether the god of Zhuge Liang but few people know the woman behind his success.

Zhuge Liang is the best master in Chinese history, also the most famous prophet. People often pay attention to his divine predictions, but few people pay attention to the woman behind him. The story of Zhuge Liang's wife is also a thrilling anecdote no less than his life.

Regarding Gia Cat Luong's marriage, the book "Tuong Duong signed" states that: "In Nhu Nam region, there is a singer named Hoang Thua Ngan, a high-spirited, honest and sincere character."

Ngan came to tell him, "Listen to my wife, I have an ugly daughter, a golden head, a black skin, but the talent can be coordinated with you. The amount of instant gratitude Ngan brings her to" .

The contemporaries are very funny about it, so in the village reminds them : "The shogunate is the shameful girl / the spouse of the girl" (That is, "Don't learn how Khong Minh picks up his wife / Only A girl bad ".

Picture 1 of Legend of the wife of the
Zhuge Liang's wife - Huang Nguyet Anh was listed as a "Chinese Pentecost".

And anecdote about the love story of Zhuge Liang and Hoang Nguyet Anh is recorded and told quite a lot, such as the story of his determination to ambush to approach "beautiful people".

The story that, as a curious learner, heard in Ngọa Long Cuong with a foreign family member Hoang, in the Cat's house many precious books, Gia Cat Luong moved here, set up tents near to find the opportunity to meet.

In addition, rumors of the Hoang family have a daughter named Hoang Nguyet Anh, the fame throughout the area is a talent for women to urge him to have the opportunity to meet and communicate. Knowing the intentions of Zhuge Liang, the imperial member of the Royal Family tried to stop it without giving any reason.

Facing this situation, Zhuge Liang was not discouraged that he still wanted to use his talents and education to persuade the Foreign Member to match him and his daughter to be charming.

However, a very unexpected thing happened, that Hoang Vien Ngoai revealed that his daughter had a very ugly, very unsightly, and advised Zhuge Liang to seek out a full-fledged median. Since then, celestial rumors about the beauty of "evil demons" of Nguyet Anh talent.

There are books that say, the young lady Hoang, though gentle, naive, intellectually intimidating, but a crude, ugly appearance to the "devilish demons". Eliminating those rumors, Zhuge Liang was determined to propose to the talented daughter.

Picture 2 of Legend of the wife of the
Hoang Nguyet Anh is an outstanding female genius.

In response to the enthusiasm of Zhuge Liang, to challenge him, Hoang Nguyet Anh offered a series of questions to test people who came to marry him. With profound intelligence and learning, in order to win the heart of this talented woman, Zhuge Liang slipped out of her mind and power, finally convinced the young lady Lady Huang.

No matter how beautiful and beautiful the beauty of Nguyet Anh is, it is still controversial, but it is agreed that she is an outstanding talented woman, astronomical, geographic wall, five-elemental bagua, armor padding, even soldiers (only for men) she is also very knowledgeable. Gia Cat gave birth to a French soldier, at least to mention her merits.

In some documents, it is also noted that the inventions of "wood archery" and "crossbow" of Khong Minh also have the help of Hoang Nguyet Anh.

And few people know that Zhuge Liang's "Long Chinese Book" is also based on her little suggestions. In general, Hoang Nguyet Anh is a solid rear and a powerful assistant of Gia Cat Luong, contributing significantly to his success later.

Books "Khong Minh great story" has clearly stated, Gia Cat prime minister after painting, everything at home was received by Gia Cat phu, the couple respectfully, never happened any conflicts or conflicts. If not for her, Khong Minh first born may not be able to support the master Luu Be.

Picture 3 of Legend of the wife of the
Zhuge Liang's fan always carries his beloved character with Hoang Nguyet Anh.

Few people know that the Gia Cat feather fan usually carries the person who is his lover and his wife Hoang Nguyet Anh.

Legend has it that, because of his passion for martial arts, Hoang Nguyet Anh, with the name of A Su's rice, followed the honor on the mountain. After completing her martial arts studies, she was given a feather fan by the master, along with the words "minh" , " quan " and advised: "these two words are the same as your will." .

Zhuge Liang in the first time to propose, the ugly blond and black girl gave him a feather fan and asked: "Zhuge Xian, do you know why I gave you a feather?" Zhuge Liang said: "Is it a light ceremony but the meaning of love is heavy?"

A Ox the lady said: "What about the second meaning?" Zhuge Liang thought but could not answer. A Suu continued: "Dear Gia Cat first born, first born with the family talk and talk about the great people, the mind carries the representative, the air is open, passionate.

However, I discovered that when he talked about Cao Cao, Ton Quyen, eyebrows clearly showed concern. I gave him this fan so he could cover his face like that. "

Through the statement, implied by Hoang Nguyet Anh, Zhuge Liang was able to understand that her mind did not want to overthrow the unjustness because of emotional fluctuations, and the gift she gave would be like a kind of help to hide him. Real feelings, thoughts before the opponent.

After marriage with the talented Nguyet Anh, the feather fan becomes an object that is not separated from Khong Minh - Gia Cat Luong. He always considered it as a treasure that must always be treasured. The fan and the bag of the trigrams and the attached wife from the early days of welding are still the most valuable treasures that Zhuge Liang always keeps with him.