Library in space, why not?

' Where there are people, there must be a library '. With this idea, future Hungarian-American astronaut Charles Simonyi said he would bring German writer Johann W. Goethe's Faust and The Moon is a harsh mistress. The bitter lady of American science fiction writer Robert Heinlein on his space trip is scheduled to take place in April.

In addition, the space traveler carries an MP3 reader with 1,600 tracks, including works of musical geniuses such as Bach, Wagner and Mozart. About the pop genre, there are works of immortal bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones . He thinks that with this beginning, a library in space could be formed in the future.

Charles Simonyi, now 58, has left Hungary since he was 17 years old. He joined Microsoft Company in 1981 and became a giant when he became the main creator of Microsoft Word and Excel programs. 20 years later, he left Microsoft to establish his own company, International Software Corporation. He will be the fifth cosmonaut in the world.

Picture 1 of Library in space, why not?

Picture 2 of Library in space, why not?