Light sports goggles

Mitchell Page, a student at computer science at the University of Sydney, has successfully developed the high-tech TeamAwear sports shirt, bringing comfort and comfort to the wearer. the information displayed on the shirt.

TeamAwear outfits for basketball players equipped with screens made from electroluminescent panels will glow when the power goes through it and are linked together by the electric thread that is woven into the shirt.

On the shoulders with 4 stripes will glow when the number of breaking rules of the wearer increases and 3 stripes on the side of the shirt will represent the score of the wearer scored with each strip is 10 goals. Two bars along the collar will advise the wearer when the match is over. Tables in the back will light up indicating the team is winning.

Page hopes that the shirt can also be used for other teammates such as emergency personnel, weak audiologists, and possibly orchestras.

Picture 1 of Light sports goggles
Light Sport - TeamAwear (Photo: