Lingzhi deer velvet thousand years in China

A Chinese farmer discovered the Ganoderma tree estimated 1,000 years old in the national primitive forest in Shandong Province.

Picture 1 of Lingzhi deer velvet thousand years in China
Many people like to take the lingzhi to take photos in the fair in Shanghai city.(Photo: NDTV).

Wang Ham, a farmer in Jiangxi Province, China, spotted a large lingzhi tree with horn-like branches on one occasion of climbing the national primeval forest in Lienhua Mountain, Shandong Province, according to NDTV.

Mr. Wang said the Ganoderma tree is red brown, 62cm in diameter, 40cm high, growing under an old tree. Because the spirit is strange, spreading into many branches like deer horns, it is called "chi chi deer deer". He brought Ganoderma to an exhibition held in Shanghai City in late November.

An expert in Chinese medicinal herbs estimated that Ganoderma achieved that size in natural conditions had to live for about 1,000 years. Natural Ganoderma is called "pioneer" by Oriental Chinese medicine, is sweet, peaceful, non-toxic, has a sedative effect, prolongs life, is a precious medicinal ingredient.