Lola tree (horse chestnut) - Alsophile spinulosa

Prescription is also known as the affirmation, also known as the horse chestnut tree, which is an extremely rare and precious wooden trunk. Decisive plants are very ancient species, nowadays most are friendly Picture 1 of Lola tree (horse chestnut) - Alsophile spinulosa


In the years when dinosaurs lived about 200 million years ago, they were distributed all over the world, high and thick. Because of geological changes, the vast majority of cars were extinct, burying underground to turn into coal, leaving only a few trees left.

The moat grows in the tropical rainforest, 3-8m high, in the forest of the South Pacific Islands highest up to 20m, is the highest type of decision in the world. The trunk of the car is round, slightly resembling coconut tree, not branched, with scattered spines or hexagonal scars. Only on the top can there be a large, long, double leaf feather, radiating around.

Toa is not to see flowers, nor to fruits and seeds. The back of the leaf has many spores of cysts, which look like yellow dots, many of which are stomachs. Prescription is produced by these spores.

The nine spores follow the wind flying, falling to the ground, sprouting into a heart-shaped green leaf (leprosy) capable of photosynthesis. The back side grows fake roots, can live independently. The anterior segment of the eucalyptus grows an egg stalk, the latter segment develops a seminal vesicle, so it is called a zygote. When the sperm mature, it will move to the egg stem by wiggling its tail, swimming in the water, combining with the egg cell into a zygote. The zygote absorbs nutrients in the whole body, gradually grows into embryos, then grows into a prescription.

The trunk of the carriages contains a lot of starch, is edible, and can also be used for packing. Eastern medicine is called "long core", works except for low rheumatism, stiff tendon, heat bar from cough.