Making an electronic chip that simulates how the brain works

According to a study published in the July 23 issue of the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Swiss scientists have first fabricated a chip that simulates how The human brain processes information.

Scientists at the University of Zurich and colleagues in Germany and the United States have created an electronic device that can be compared to the human brain in terms of size, information processing speed and digestibility. energy wasting.

Like the human brain, this nervous system-simulating chip is capable of responding and processing information quickly.

Picture 1 of Making an electronic chip that simulates how the brain works

As a member of the team, when using nerve-simulating chips such as artificial neurons, the researchers built the network. Grids can perform tasks that require the ability to memorize, analyze and make decisions quickly. This is a new step in the fabrication of electronics.

Indiveri said that in the future, the technology would become a useful tool, allowing robots to automatically orient in the environment and be able to survive without human control.

This technology may help the computer function normally when parts are malfunctioning, as human brains continue to operate relentlessly, as millions of neurons are lost every day.

In addition, this technology will also help smart phones become smarter.