'Human brain' for the computer

Swiss researchers have invented a chip that mimics the human brain's processing of information, thus deciphering some of the mysteries of how computers work best in the world.

Together with colleagues in Germany and the United States, scientists from the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich have created electronic systems that can be compared to the human brain in terms of size, speed and consumption. energy.

According to AFP, the Green Brain Project is being deployed to create a human brain within supercomputers.

Just like the brain, microchips called ' neurons' are thought to be able to handle and respond to information instantly.

Picture 1 of 'Human brain' for the computer

"The challenge here is to make something as close to the real brain as possible," said Professor Giacomo Indiveri of the University of Zurich, one of the project researchers.

Previous electronic systems were designed to react in their environment, such as the shutter that automatically shuts when the light shines. However, the new project wants to go even further.

Use IC 'nerve morphology' as artificial nerves, the researchers built the system can perform the tasks that need short-term memory, the ability to make decisions and analyze.

Over time, this technology can become an effective tool, allowing robots to move spontaneously in the environment and survive without a remote operator.

At the same time, experts hope to move on to researchable, error-prone PCs, just as the human brain is still functioning at around 1 million neurons each day, according to the report. The National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) .