Mammals contain toxins

Platypus or sloths have a small appearance but can be paralyzed by their venom .

There are some mammals that possess venom or poisonous weapons to protect themselves. The wounds they bring can numb the nervous system leading to death.


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A weasel is spraying self-defense gas.(Photo:

Skunks are a mammal that belongs to the meat-eating family. They can spew out some of the calcium (thiols) - a chemical organic substance commonly found in onions and garlic. This substance has enough toxins to cause blindness, inflammation, causing the body to vomit. Skunks of skunks can harm other animals and even humans.


Picture 2 of Mammals contain toxins
Male platypus often use this thorn to inject venom into the victim.

Although they are mammals, platypus are in the form of spawning. What makes them even more bizarre and dangerous is that males often have spikes growing on the hind legs. These spikes can contain extremely strong toxins, making them unbearable pain.


Picture 3 of Mammals contain toxins
Cu li has big eyes, lovely little hands but has shocking poison.(Photo: Thinkstock).

These loris can be found in Borneo and southern Philippines, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, South China and Thailand. They are lovely with big eyes, cute faces, small hands. However, they brought shocking venom.

Interestingly, the venom-free loris is available that often rub small hands into the armpits - where the glands secrete toxins, then put toxins into the teeth and bite. Poisonous bites can cause serious shock.

Toothed shrews (Solenodons)

Picture 4 of Mammals contain toxins
The tooth shrews are small but carry venom enough to lower their prey.(Photo: Howstuffwork).

Dental tooth shrews are also a type of mammal. They eat insects, live at night, in caves. This species directly uses mustaches, sharp teeth to inject venom into the prey.