Extremely toxic substances are hidden by the scientific world for 40 years

Researchers have discovered the first new form of botulinum toxin for more than 40 years , but scientists are worried about its potential danger to humans that they are trying to keep many details about the examination. This break.

The NPR site reported that the new botulinum toxin has been published in the scientific journal The Journal of Infectious Diseases , but certain details have been removed to prevent the risk of using this toxin. chemical weapons. David Hooper, editor of The Journal of Infectious Diseases , revealed that although any research wanted to be published in a scientific journal must have a detailed report, this is a rare exception.

According to Mr. Hooper, a common requirement is that the findings must mention the sequence of genes needed to create new toxins. But because of this potential risk of security, the magazine decided to keep such information confidential until the scientific community developed treatments for its poisoned people.

Picture 1 of Extremely toxic substances are hidden by the scientific world for 40 years
Close up of Clostridium botulinum - the culprit of botulinum toxin production.(Photo: Corbis)

The decision once again directed the public's attention to the issue of "scientific information that could be used for negative purposes". Some experts have expressed concern that information about new technologies, if publicly available, could create potential health and security hazards for humankind.

Botulinum toxin is a protein, a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum . It can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal for humans if ingested or appears in a child's wound or gastrointestinal system.

As a neurotoxin, botulinum toxin has a strong effect on nerve cells in our bodies, preventing the signals sent by these nerve cells to different brain or muscles, thus motor paralysis and can cause partial paralysis. This symptom called "food poisoning " can be fatal if not treated promptly.

However, medicine has found a way to take advantage of the botulinum toxin, specifically botulinum B to treat unintended spasms, such as half-face twitching, neck twitching due to cramping. In addition, in the field of cosmetology, Botox injections - the commercial name of botulinum A toxin, on selective muscle areas on the face will cause temporary paralysis of those muscle areas, making effective fades wrinkles on the face, while avoiding the formation of new wrinkles.