Manly intelligence deteriorates faster than women

Everyone becomes forgetful as the age gets older, but a new global survey shows that the men have a mental decline faster than the sisters.

The brains of the sexes still have certain differences inherited from the gene: better eyebrows in thinking and transforming imaginary images (useful in deducing mathematics and spatial skills). ), and women often excel in recovering information from records in the brain (helpful in language skills and remembering physical location).

Picture 1 of Manly intelligence deteriorates faster than women Many studies have investigated the relationship between gender and mental decline when people get older, but the results are still controversial.

The new survey includes more than 250,000 respondents worldwide. They performed four cognitive ability tests: transplanting an object with its alternating shape, combining lines with the same angle, thinking of as many words as possible in the same topic and recalling location of objects. The first two tasks for men do better. The following two tasks are dominated by women.

In each age group, although both sexes deteriorate at higher ages, women generally decline less than men. However, Maylor argues that there are many other factors that affect intelligence such as mental and physical training or social relations.