Why women age faster?

Women who switch to menopause quickly are able to take over the role as a grandmother, a study has confirmed.

Scientists have long wondered why only humans, grouper and whale whales have stopped giving birth relatively early in their lifetimes.

Picture 1 of Why women age faster? The team from the University of Exeter and Cambridge (UK) now believes that it allows women (and children of the two species) to have more time to teach their daughters how to create a family.

Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, this study is considered to be the first work to provide a reasonable explanation for why the offspring of these particular species stop reproducing early, while still live tens, even tens of years.

Most children of other long-lived species continue to give birth until the end of life. But humans and whale-toothed whales are not like that, but experience early menopause.

"Although the social behaviors of these three species are very different, they all have one thing in common: it is the social system that makes children become more closely related to their neighbors when they get older. " , the author said.

In humans (and the two above whales), the common trend is that young girls follow their husbands. That means they start a reproductive life in a new family that is not related by blood.

But by the time their child enters the age of childbirth, these women will be more closely related to their husband's family, and may choose to reduce their birth to help take care of them.

On the other hand, in other long-lived mammals, males will usually leave the flock to multiply, and the children will stay with their mother. In this case, older children can continue to reproduce.