6 interesting facts about ancient women that women themselves are surprised

Who could have thought that there were such great privileges . that modern women probably don't have.

If you think you can know all about a woman, think again because there are many things you don't know yet!

Especially the secrets about women in ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt are summarized below.

1. Get married but the ancient Roman girl still plays dolls

Picture 1 of 6 interesting facts about ancient women that women themselves are surprised
The girls of ancient Rome were married very early, so even when married, many girls still play toys.

Ancient Roman girls were married very early, when they were only 12 years old. Because childhood does not last very long, even when married, many girls still play toys, and mostly dolls.

In the late 19th century, archaeologists discovered a wooden doll in a girl's coffin named Crepereia Tryphaena, who lived in Rome in the 2nd century.

Through studying archaeologists, this wooden doll has many similarities with modern Barbie dolls with flat belly, wide hips. In addition, they also discovered a small box of doll clothes in the coffin.

2. have the right to inherit the throne equally

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In ancient Egypt, men or women could inherit the throne.

Many evidence indicates that ancient Egypt was much more democratic than other ancient dynasties. Evidence is that regardless of gender, men or women can inherit the throne.

Egypt is one of the few countries that maintains the status and interests of women as in the primitive matriarchy.

3. reserves the right to request a divorce

Despite the power, the freedom of ancient Greek women was limited but it was fairly fair for married life.

Specifically, if a Greek woman wants a divorce, she only needs one representative man to accept her. If a man wants to offer a divorce offer, all he has to do is "take his wife" out of the house.

4. Ancient Roman women also have "tutors"

Picture 3 of 6 interesting facts about ancient women that women themselves are surprised
Roman women also receive the same education as men.

Roman women also receive the same education as men. They are taught the basics at school like reading and writing.

However, there are some families who want their daughters to learn deeply, so they hire private tutors to improve their knowledge.

The reason for a Roman girl who knows knowledge and assists in housework, understands music, poetry . is to help her husband in the political career indirectly.

5. Ancient Roman women wore bikinis

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It is wonderful to know how the ancient Romans progressed.

In a mosaic picture dating back to the 4th century AD found in Sicily - Roman girls knew how to wear a modern Bikini.

And you acknowledge it, the bikini is also very fashionable. It is wonderful to know how the ancient Romans progressed.

6. Roman women like to play sports, exercise

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The mosaic shows that ancient Roman women enjoyed gymnastics.

Another mosaic illustrates the love of gymnastics and sports to enhance the health of ancient Roman women.

Accordingly, they were very interested in sports and many other recreational activities, life.