Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

Many of you will enjoy this super easy-to-remember and easy-to-remember language.

The world's least literate language with only 123 words that speaks all kinds

In this era of globalization, it is important for each person to know at least one language other than their mother tongue to communicate, in which English is considered a standard language for communication between all nations. .

However, learning a foreign language is not easy for everyone. Some of you may have seen extracurricular language lessons and just wanted a common language but it must be easy to learn and easy to use.

The good news is that such a language exists and that it takes less than 2 days of study to be used fluently. That language is called Toki Pana. But how to apply, to know more, let's look at the article below.

Toki Pana language - the language has only 123 words

First published online in 2001, the language was created by Sonja Lang, a translator and linguist from Toronto.

This is a minimal language, focusing on simple and relatively universal concepts and elements between cultures. The language has only 14 phonemes and 123 words, selected from the basic elements to help you have a simple life, unaffected by modern civilization.

Picture 1 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

Specifically, the total vocabulary of Toki Pona consists of only 123 words made up of 14 original sounds: p, t, k, s, m, n, l, j, w, a, e, i, o, u. These original sounds will be put together, forming the most basic symbols, close to the relevant concept.

These phrases demonstrate the ability to add meaning to the language, often used to describe what is unknown. For example, in China, the ' computer' is directly translated as the electric brain. In Iceland, the ' compass' is described as a guide and ' microscope' to see small objects.

Picture 2 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

According to experts, this method is called metaphor , so that languages ​​are diverse in the world today.

When you have to describe a new object for the first time, you will rely on the known things to describe the object, often the answer will be 'This object has a similar shape… '. And such metaphor applied to Toki Pona thoroughly - the smallest language in the world today.

Although it is the smallest language in the world, it is extremely harmful

However, according to Sonja Lang and many others said Toki Pona emphasized, this language is enough to express almost any idea.

Word savings are made by reducing the meaning of symbols to the most basic, merging related concepts and single words with many different meanings in words.

Picture 3 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

In contrast to hundreds or thousands of hours of research needed to achieve fluency in other languages ​​such as English, French, Chinese . most people say Toki Pona agrees, it only takes about 30 hours to can master this language.

The simple and easy-to-learn advantage of Toki Pona is believed to be the ideal international auxiliary language , helping to realize humanity's long-held dream that everyone on Earth can understand each other. .

That dream is coming to fruition as there are now hundreds of people across different countries such as Japan, Belgium, New Zealand and Argentina that have established online communities and use Toki Pona as a communicative language. General

Picture 4 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

In addition to the simple, easy-to-learn advantages, Toki Pona's minimalist approach is also designed to change the way of thinking of the speaker.

According to the author Lang, the small amount of words that trigger creativity , requires people to pay close attention to every detail around them, which is useful in a modern world when people are gradually becoming less and less. with everything.

Toki Pona has a five-color palette: loje (red), laso (blue), jelo (yellow), pimeja (black) and walo (white). Like the work of an artist, the speaker can combine five basic colors to describe any color on the spectrum. For example, loje walo is pink, and laso jelo is green.

Picture 5 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words
You can combine words in Toki Pona like mixing colors.

To express the number in Toki Pona is also minimal.Sonja Lang initially points to Toki Pona wan (number one), tu (number two) and mute (plural).

However, later the user of the Toki Pona expanded from luka (arm or arm) to index five and mute to index 10. The words that indicate this number are repeated in the additive way until Describe the desired number. For example, according to Toki's expression Pona, luka luka luka wan means sixteen.

Picture 6 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words
If mathematics represents abstraction, then Toki Pona represents simplicity.

Such numerical expression makes it difficult for the Toki Pona users to express the numbers too large. However, if the mathematical language is aimed at accuracy and quite abstract, Toki Pona does something different.

According to Lang's explanation, the language she created tends to be as simple as when a primitive human starts to communicate.

Picture 7 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

Toki Pona users just need to express everything in the simplest way and really understand what they say. Expressing things that are too big or too abstract that even the speaker himself cannot imagine is inconsistent with the philosophy of ' understanding what I say, saying what I understand' as Toki's original purpose Pona.

For Toki Pona, all definitions are relative. As when asked to define a car, you could say it was a space used to move, ie tomo tawa.

Picture 8 of Marvel at the world's least worded language with only 123 words

But when you get hit by that car, you can say it's a hard object that makes you angry - utala kiwen. According to Lang, there will be no absolute definition in Toki Pona, because everything in this world has many different faces and people also have to learn to adapt to them.

Although Toki Pona may not yet be a perfect international language, it may be in the future if the world's smallest language is widely recognized.

At this time, all language barriers will be removed and then not good at foreign languages ​​will no longer make you 'sweat' when talking to foreigners.