Many of you will enjoy this super easy-to-remember and easy-to-remember language.
Linguists are looking for answers to the question, why some people may know many languages, but some people learn one language forever ...
People who know at least one foreign language feel their personality and way of looking at things differently when switching from one language to another.
A 3-year-old Chinese girl from a coma awakens to smoke cigarettes like an adult, a mother who keeps saying
After a coma, Croatian girls regained consciousness and suddenly spoke fluent German.
Waking up after a failed vascular surgery, the 50-year-old Italian man no longer speaks his mother tongue but switches to French.
After a period of extraction, Karen Butler (USA) suddenly speaks European accent, although she has never studied foreign languages or set foot in these countries.
A study shows that regular use of two (or more) languages will bring positive effects in improving brain activity as well as health.
Thanks to its integration with special translation software and compact design, The Pilot promises to be a revolutionary product that helps you to communicate with foreigners with
The translation device in the science fiction film Star Trek (Journey to the Stars) helped James T Kirk to talk to aliens now almost realized with Microsoft's Universal Translator