Find solutions to each person's foreign language ability

Linguists are looking for answers to the question, why some people may know many languages, but there are people who learn one language forever . "not at the beginning".

Why are people good at foreign languages?

According to Richard Brecht, director of the US National Language Center, some people seem to have problems with any new language. It is this that causes many students to study academically seriously in high school and college.

On the contrary, there are people who easily absorb a new language. This ability is still called " heavenly" , or " foreign ears" . What makes this difference?

Linguists have studied the reason certain people have a particular propensity for language acquisition. In the 1950s, psychologist John B.Carroll developed a modern Language Acquisition test to predict who will be more successful in learning a new language.

The test measured the ability to understand phonetics, identify or deduce grammatical structures, or the ability to maintain the relationship between words and their meanings. Those who score well, are put into advanced classes. This test also applies to recruiting employees working abroad.

Picture 1 of Find solutions to each person's foreign language ability

The ability to memorize words, absorb and understand phonetics and grammar expresses an individual's ability to learn foreign languages ​​quickly.

In recent decades, linguists have continued to offer tests, but to identify students with 'foreign language disabilities ' who are unable to learn new languages ​​even if absolutely excellent in other subjects.

Professor Richard L. Sparks was the first to name and study this phenomenon. He studied and tried to explain, students with poor language skills often have problems with their own language.

However, since then, the question that anyone can learn foreign languages ​​as natural, while there are people who are stuck, have not been satisfactorily answered.

So, Richard L. Sparks reiterated the classic advice: the attitude of determination is very important. "If you come up with plans that you don't think you're good at it, it will make you not work hard to master it , " he said.