Mating dinosaurs before adulthood

An interesting new discovery shows that an ancient species like dinosaurs also showed signs of mating before adulthood. Scientists discovered inside fossil bones of 3 different dinosaurs traces of calcium-rich bone tissue. This special calcium helps mothers of dinosaurs form eggshells for their children.

All three dinosaurs carrying Tyrannosaurus rex and Allosaurus and Tenontosaurus herbivores are all in their teens and have not reached their maximum adult size.

Archaeologist of the University of California at Berkeley Sarah Wernig said in a telephone interview: 'It is interesting to know the age at which dinosaurs start mating and are comparable to other species. about important moments in their lives. '

Only dinosaurs and birds are thought to form bone marrow and pulp cavities shortly before spawning, archaeologists see birds as descendants of dinosaurs.

Werming said: 'The reproductive condition before being fully grown is normal. Most animals occur in this case. Reptile: yes. Medium and large sized mammals are also available. And whether our parents like it or not, people have that situation. But often birds don't. Birds grow perfectly within a year and they wait a few months or years before they start mating. '

Scientists discovered bone marrow when analyzing different dinosaur bones.

Picture 1 of Mating dinosaurs before adulthood

Photo of a 120-million-year-old cuticle bone fossil fossil of a Tenontosaurus female dinosaur.Analysis showed growth rings and bone marrow along with pulp cavities before laying eggs.

Allosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur about 39 feet long lived 150 million years ago. Tenontosaurus, a common herbivore about 26 feet long lived 115 million years ago. T. rex, a brutal two-legged carnivorous dinosaur, about 43 feet long, lived at the end of the dinosaurs' existence, about 65 million years ago. All three dinosaur species reside in North America.

Based on the growth ring on the bones, the scientists judged Tenontosaurus species about 8 years old and Allosaurus to 10 - early teens. The 18-year-old T. rex is still not fully mature . This is the result of the team's report in the National Academy of Sciences Meeting Minutes.

Werming said, fertility started in adolescence has many meanings. The lifespan of these dinosaurs is about 25 to 30 years but they only reach adulthood by the age of 20 and the mortality rate in adulthood is still very high in this mutilated-mutual world.

Therefore, they have little time to breed and maintain the race.'If they breed early they will have more time and opportunity.'