Mayas magical monument

Near the Mayas Citadel, there is a "holy well" that is considered sacred by the inhabitants. From 1524 to 1627, the great Portuguese patriarch, Diigow, looked after the Yucatan area, and when he introduced the history here he said: "Every time the great deed happens, the monks conduct the ceremony. When praying for a good wind, the people carried out a solemn ceremony, releasing a baby boy into a well to be a sacrifice ".

Picture 1 of Mayas magical monument

Yucatan area

In 1877, Edwar - an American archaeologist presided over the excavation of the holy well. In the mud layer at the bottom of the well, archaeologists not only found jewels and fine arts but also saw the bones of boys and girls. This excavation has attested to Sigigow's record, but "Holy Well" still reminds people of many things: How does it appear? Why is it called "holy well"? The wells that resemble it are still the most numerous, why do people value it in a special way.

Picture 2 of Mayas magical monument

Mayas woman's statue

In the jungle, not 100 meters from this observatory, there is a well that is identical to this well. On the outside, it is the same as the holy well, the depth of the water is the same, in the water glittering brown and the red color of the blood. There is no doubt that these two wells are in the same year but many scholars only mention the holy well, and the discovered well is in the jungle they know very sketchily. Its mystical value is only confirmed when people build on the Sthyllo Pyramid at the center of this line, the distance between the two wells to the top of the observatory is equal, 984 yards (yard or US size equals 0.914m).

What do these findings suggest? It is only known that: These two wells are in front of the observatory and are used as a basis for calculating and creating an observatory.

Picture 3 of Mayas magical monument

This snake image is found in all ancient Mayas architectures.

Sthyllo Pyramid is like an observatory, both dedicated to the sacredness of the gods, like " Daynmao snake " - This snake image is found in every ancient Mayas architecture. Mayas people especially love snakes. From time immemorial to present, snakes have always been animals with hidden lives, crawling on the ground, but with the Mayas - people with special feelings for snakes, have added wings for snakes to capable of flying in the air.

In the Mayas legend, Khulelkotel is a long bearded god, wearing a white robe from an Eastern country. God teaches Mayas the knowledge of agricultural science and technology, set very strict laws. listening to it, under his direction, corn grown by the Mayas as calves, cotton has many colors. After teaching the Mayas to master the god cultivation technique, he left again. The Mayas are very respectful of this angel, they trust him to come back.

Besides the observatory here, why are these wells? What are they used for? But the mysterious mystery of Mayas culture comes Picture 4 of Mayas magical monument we still don't understand it now. In the legend, the gods of the great missionaries, lawyers, judges and scientists came to the Mayas. Spirit brought with him a clear wish, he also affirmed that he would teach poor Mayas, who had not been able to declare civilized knowledge to build vehicles to escape the heavy walking and carrying scenes. But archaeologists have yet to find any traces related to this issue.

Palenque is located in a ravine of a desolate region of Mexico district. Over the past 10 centuries, people here who have never been interested in the throne are collapsed. In the 50s of the twentieth century, archaeologists came here to clean up this spirit, excavating a heavy stone, carved with patterns.

The figure engraved on the stone has both exaggerated and miraculous, a person is like driving a car, two hands holding an object like a steering wheel, surrounded by various kinds of jewelry flowers. According to the explanation, this is a picture of the extremely rich imagination of the Mayas.

Picture 5 of Mayas magical monument Over the years, all have changed, we cannot make it clear why the Mayas sculptors of the time could create the eyebrows that can now appear. It was a space pilot, holding a steering wheel, his eyes looking straight ahead. This is actually the Mayas work, because the figure of the pilot is carved exactly like the Mayas. It is also possible that the Mayas thought that one day they could fly over the sky. When sculpting, Mayas workers made the exhaust pipe twist into a decoration, a clock, a square object, the tubes were all exaggerated and artistic. But it all looks very clear: The transport tool has a sharp head, the tail is big, parts like antennas, watches, taps, tubes, . are vividly described. . Heard, the photo of this work, when sent to the American airline, they were surprised to say, "The Mayas are great."

In ancient times there was no spacecraft. So, how did the ancient Mayas understand the mysteries of aviation? How did they draw the pilot working on the spaceship?