McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Take binoculars and look in the night sky right after sunset or early in the morning when the sun is not rising, you may be lucky to admire the new comet brighter than the comet Hale-Bopp in the year. 1997!

This comet - called McNaught - can be seen in the northern hemisphere within a week, starting on January 12.

When the Australian astronomer Robert McNaught announced on August 7, 2006, he had just discovered a faint comet on a photo taken from the Siding Spring observatory in New South Wales, it was still a living object. far and hard to see. However it is now a very bright comet.

According to astronaut Tony Phillips of NASA, McNaught is the brightest comet in the last 30 years visible from Earth. It is 6 times brighter than Comet Hale-Bopp and brighter than Halley Comet (appeared in 1986) 100 times!

McNaught Comet is approaching the sun.It will be more visible in the next few days in the southern hemisphere
(Photo: BBC)

Picture 1 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Picture 2 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Picture 3 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Picture 4 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Picture 5 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years

Picture 6 of McNaught - the brightest comet in the past 30 years