Meteorite exploded in Russia with the age of the Solar System

The meteorite exploded in the sky of Russia last February, determined to be about 4.56 billion years old, equivalent to the age of the Solar System, RIA Novosti on October 4, leading scientists' information. .

Mikhail Marov, an expert with the Vernadsky Institute of Chemistry and Geochemistry (Russia), said scientists have identified the age of meteorites by radioisotope analysis.

Picture 1 of Meteorite exploded in Russia with the age of the Solar System
Meteorite exploded in Russia is said to help decipher the history of the early solar system - (Photo: The Field Museum)

"The age of Chelyabinsk meteorites, 4.56 billion years old, almost coincides with the age of our Solar System. This means that we have captured what may be called creative matter , " he said. Marov said.

"They (meteorites) hold the history of evolution at the earliest stage in the history of the Solar System , " added scientist Marov.

Previously, experts at the Vernadsky Institute once said that the meteorites they used to study were part of a larger asteroid.

Reportedly, on February 15, 2013, a 17-20 meter asteroid exploded in the sky of Russia's Chelyabinsk region, injuring about 1,500 people, mainly due to broken glass by the impact of Shockwave.

This is considered the largest meteorite ever penetrated the Earth's atmosphere in 83 years.