Miraculous concave mirror (last part)

Concave mirrors not only bring miracles but can also be disastrous because they have the ability to record and store information.

Picture 1 of Miraculous concave mirror (last part) In the late 1980s, Russian Professor Kozyrev built a concave aluminum mirror system to study different types of radiation, including radiation from living organisms. Miraculously, Kozyrev mirror system also works in an activity called remote impact. In the early 1990s, scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk conducted a number of experiments with Kozyrev concave mirrors and obtained amazing results, including the awarded experiment. exchanging information between strangers half a world apart without the need for any communication technology, involving more than 4,000 people in 22 different countries. But concave mirrors not only bring miracles but can also be disastrous because they have the ability to record and store information.

In 1997, the French Antiquities Association asked the press to widely spread warnings to antique collectors in particular and the general public should not store, buy or sell an antique mirror with the words " Louis Arpo, 1743 "on the sack, if you have it in your hand, quickly bring it to the government or the police. According to statisticians of the country's law enforcement, until the beginning of the 20th century, for nearly 200 years of existence and through many owners, the mirror has caused death for a total of 38 people.

Be aware that this is a slightly concave mirror, which can enlarge the image a bit, which is very convenient for women to fix eyelashes, eyebrows and make some delicate makeup on the face.

There have been many different theories about its harmful mechanisms. Some people believe that this is a special mirror, able to reflect unusual light rays that cause brain hemorrhage. Others guessed that the mirror had accumulated some supernatural energy and then reflected and acted on the opposite person. Someone thought that it was a mirror containing magic, could imagine a funnel, drawing human souls to the afterlife. It was all guesswork, there was no scientific research, because this mirror was locked in storage for nearly a century and when a scientist remembered it did not fly. Anyway, scientists still try to find answers to the mysterious deaths that people think are caused by the same mirror.

According to a theory, mirrors have an almost magnetical characteristic: smoking and storing poisons. From the 17th century, Italian philosopher Tomaso Campanella (author of the book City of the Sun, considered the manifesto of utopian socialism) once wrote: "The elderly and small women are sputum and drooling. Live tears, bad breath, every time you look in the mirror, the mirror is dimmed by the effects of toxic substances released from tears, sputum and breathing . ". In 1739, scientists at the French Academy of Sciences had a similar conclusion, written down perfectly: "When an elderly woman sits in front of a mirror longer than necessary, on the mirror surface Moisture accumulation contains bad substances from that person. Chemical analyzes show that these substances are very toxic . ". This conclusion partly explains the taboo in folk: do not look in the mirror when you are sick or feel tired in your body, even when the mood is sad. It is thought that at such times, in people often emitted toxic vapors, this toxic vapors are absorbed by the mirror and then emitted very strongly, adversely affecting the mirror user later.

However, according to modern scientists, the mirror of Louis Arpo, if it really caused the death of a few dozen people, is not due to the toxin accumulating on the mirror surface. The poison, no matter how strong, can be cleaned easily, especially on a shiny mirror, but how many times did this mirror not be cleaned once? But it is possible to approach the problem from a different direction: most likely the mirror has accumulated, stored and then released some information, or simply, it is a memory mirror .

The hanging or hanging mirror in the house is a silent witness, witnessing all that happens in its market. In other words, it's like a video camera that records everything that happens before your "lens". But we all know that mirror images are just virtual images and mirrors never get the feature of a video camera. However, the mirror's ability to record and store information is hard to believe but it can be real. Just like many other things, mirrors can carry in themselves the identity of the owner. Since ancient times, people have conceived that a certain object used by a long-term person will absorb that person's thoughts and feelings. In addition, mirrors as well as many other objects can absorb, storing information about the evolution of things happening around them, especially for a concave mirror that has the feature of a receiver antenna. - play as stated before.

In a biological experiment using mirrors, Russian researchers accidentally discovered the "memory" characteristic of mirrors: The mirrors after being used in the experiment still store and radiate information about those. Experiments are placed in front of them. This feature of mirrors causes no annoyance to scientists, because in the following experiments, information stored from previous times emitted by mirrors can cause interference, affecting the results. However, this is quite a solid scientific basis to explain the phenomenon of the "killer" mirror in France.

Since ancient times, among many peoples in Europe exist the notion that breaking a mirror is a bad omen. Of course, in a warm family, the information stored in the mirror is good and if it is a long-standing mirror, it is the family chronicle. However, try to imagine owners who often use mirrors during special times such as when they are angry, upset, hateful, resentful . At that time, the body is activated very strongly, therefore, The bioenergy source they emit is equally strong, easily absorbed into the mirror and then emitted. If it is a flat mirror, the harm is not very great, but if it is a concave mirror, the emission capacity may be many times higher, but the focus of the mirror is the convergence of these "bad" energy rays. Later owners, though completely innocent, would be very harmful if their bodies were in the right focus of the mirror, especially if the focus was on the right parts of the body like the brain, heart. for example, the danger to life is unavoidable.

Review part 1

(According to Pravda)