Miraculous concave mirror (part 1)

Picture 1 of Miraculous concave mirror (part 1) In 212 BC, the Roman fleet was encircling Syracuse (in Greece), suddenly on the face of the city appeared countless mirrors reflecting the sun, causing the crew to burn. Greek scientist Archimet took advantage of concave mirror effect to focus light on one point, burning enemies.

Ancient people used concave mirrors for many different purposes, mainly in magic tricks. The concave mirror creates a light that does not shine in its focus. Sorcerers and magicians argue that it is in the focus of concave mirrors that focus on an invisible source of bioenergy, and if anyone's eyes reach the right focal point, he or she will be capable of clairvoyance.

In many peoples, it is still possible to call the deceased soul by a cup or concentric bowls, smooth in the face like a mirror - in fact, a concave mirror. In 1950, in a deep cave in Epire in western Greece, archaeologist Sotir Dakar found a very large copper pot, a smooth glossy surface, dating back about 3,000 years. The strange thing is that if you take your eyes close to the surface of the pot, you look inside, you can see the mysterious images that are strange and mysterious, especially each person sees a different image and the same but looking at two different times, the image is also different.

These are pictures of people or animals, but in very ancient times. Calculating according to the curvature of the bottom of the pot, it is determined that the focal point of this curved surface is in the center of the flat of the pot mouth. Unfortunately, this pot was soon stolen from a museum in Greece and since then no one has known its fate.

In some nations, the prophets use concave mirrors to predict the aftermath. Indian shamans often use concave mirrors in gold-coated, but some prefer to use a net iron mirror. Pure iron, up to 99.999% pure, never gets rusted, and when polished well, the perfect gloss and iron mirror called " Emperor Solomon's mirror " are highly regarded among specialized magicians. judge the post-piracy post for everyone. Ancient Russians also used concave mirrors in the form of copper pots or enameled ceramic pots to guess the path of love for those seeking middle-aged people.

Picture 2 of Miraculous concave mirror (part 1) Naska plateau with millions of straight, straight lines.

There are also concave mirrors of ancient people whose uses are still a mystery. For example, mirrors are found a lot near the Naska geometric garden in Peru. These mirrors are about half a meter in diameter, slightly curved, made of alloy gold, silver and copper, the inner surface is very smooth. Because the mirror surface is only slightly concave, the mirror has a focal length of several kilometers. Because the mirror surface is so shiny, the reflection is very strong: the sun shining from the mirror can be seen clearly in the focus, even though it is a kilometer away from the mirror. People do not understand what Indians in ancient Inka used these mirrors to do. Based on their remote projection capabilities, they can be guessed that they use them as a signaling tool. Maybe it's a straight-line tool (in the Naska plateau, there are millions of trenches intersecting each other, each dozen to hundreds of kilometers long but perfectly straight).

Many scientific inventions come from concave mirrors. British scientist Roger Bacon (1214-1294) once possessed concave mirrors. The contemporaries considered him a " great witch ", but in today's understanding, he was a diligent, lifelong experimentalist who discovered the mysteries of nature. Not only is the materialist, Bacon is also the " ten thousand things " because he has plunged into almost all areas of both natural and social sciences. He built two miraculous concave mirrors, teaching at Oxford University. With the first mirror, one can burn candles at any time of the day, by inserting the tip of the candle into the right focus of the mirror. The second mirror has the ability to help users see the view of any place on the earth if the human eye is in the right position to be a certain distance from the mirror surface; If you move the mirror to a different angle and the human eye moves in the proper way, you will see another scene. It was as if the whole scene on the surface of the earth was reflected on a mirror in the upper air and reflected back into Bacon's miraculous mirror. The first example was opposed by fellow professors because students only worked hard to burn candles all the time and did not care about books and other kinds of experiments. The second example is accused by the church of being an " evil religion ". As a result, both were smashed and Bacon was deprived of the right to teach.

Due to the above incident, Bacon's many documents, books, notes . were burned. But what remains to this day also indicates that he was the first to predict the advent of microscopes, telescopes, engines for cars, airplanes, and ships. Hundreds of years before Berthold Schwarz made gunpowder, Bacon had records of the chemical composition as well as the working principle of a substance that could cause fire and explosion similar to gunpowder. It was also thanks to the results of Bacon's optical experiments that eyeglasses were born in 1287. Bacon's records also showed that he envisioned the cell structure, understanding the nature of the process. Conception is a combination of sperm and eggs. In addition, Bacon also understands the origin of a form of energy that is more powerful than atomic energy!

So Bacon gained such extensive insights, when he lived in the 13th century, a few hundred years before the world's leading scientists like Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Leornado da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein . with future inventions becoming human knowledge? Scientists think it is because he created special scientific instruments or enjoyed such devices from some mysterious origin. One of those special tools is concave mirrors. In the rest of Bacon's notes to this day there is a document that said he was "seen with a concave mirror of a snail-shaped star located between the constellations Pegas, Andromed and Kassiopei". Amazingly, 400 years later, in the 17th century, with powerful telescopes, European astronomers found the spiral-shaped Andromed nebula in the right place.

Why do concave mirrors have such special abilities? No one has been able to solve insight, but greatness, as well as flat mirrors, concave mirrors reflect visible and invisible energies, even the subtle radiations of the human body, but mirrors concave can strengthen these forms of energy. In particular, only concave mirrors create focus - the point where all the reflected rays converge. This is also the key point of what is considered the mysterious and wonderful ability of concave mirrors.

In 1667, scientists at the Florentie Academy of Sciences did the following experiment: the concave face direction toward a large block of ice placed at a distance and the measurement results showed that the temperature at the focal point of Concave mirrors are significantly lower than the ambient air temperature. The academics concluded that cold objects also emit cold radiation, similar to hot objects emitting thermal radiation. Today we know that there is no such thing as "cold radiation". Based on the law of thermodynamics, modern science proves that it is actually not the "cold ray" that converges at the concave mirror focus but rather that the heat at that point tends to escape to the surrounding environment. Thus, concave mirrors are characterized not only by a receiving antenna but also by a transmitting antenna. Today, radio and television antennas transmitting radio and television are in the form of a basin (parabolic antennae).

See next part 2

(According to Pravda)