Miraculous structure inside human tears

Under the microscope, the entire composition of tears appeared vividly as if the rivers, the buildings on the ground as you watched from the plane.

Picture 1 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
This is the work called The Topography of Tears by American photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher.With a microscope attached to the camera, she recorded an extremely dramatic image of tears of hope and faith .

Picture 2 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
. or tears of joy like in the picture.The fate of bringing Fisher to this special project was when she shed tears of tears for a lost relative.

Picture 3 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
Instead of wiping off the tears, Fisher decided to find out, crying for happiness or suffering, crying for spicy or different regrets.In the picture is the tears of reunion.

Picture 4 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
A tear of the beginning and end looked like a primeval forest.The amazing thing is the photograph of tears under a beautiful and strange microscope like a picture of the Earth from above.

Picture 5 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
Fisher examined and photographed tears through a microscope based on three basic types: normal tears (as in photos) - created every blink of an eye and spread evenly over the surface of the eye to keep eyes from drying out.

Picture 6 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
The second is tears due to the effects of unpleasant factors such as spicy onions.

Picture 7 of Miraculous structure inside human tears
And the third is tears of happiness or suffering, regret or hope, created according to people's moods and emotions.In the picture is the tears of sadness and sadness.