Monitor your health every day with a micro transplant

Super small implant technology will be the key to the user can control the health of his smartphone.

Smartphone is an indispensable device in daily life with many benefits in terms of entertainment as well as work. However, unfortunately, smartphone can not hold information about the health of users. Intelligent wristwatches, on the other hand, are very helpful in this regard, but doctors are hoping to see health status at a whole new level with transplantable implants. health information to the user's smartphone.

Picture 1 of Monitor your health every day with a micro transplant
The sensor is made of soft synthetic hydrogel material similar to contact lenses.

More specifically, the sensors are made of soft flexible hydrogel material similar to contact lenses, which can slide under the skin without harming the body. After implantation, the sensors measure the level of different components in the blood. For example, a sensor can measure oxygen levels while another sensor measures glucose levels. Then a small device will be placed on the skin to measure the concentration data of each sensor and then send that data to the smartphone or the user's computer.

The scientists who created the sensor system presented their work at a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society. This group of scientists are stepping up the commercialization of the system in Europe and are currently awaiting approval for sale in the United States. The system is being marketed under the brand name Lumee by Profus and the company has posted a video showing the breakthrough in tracking the health of the new sensor system.

Doctors have said that the first sensors tested on volunteers four years ago still work well today. And if the system works "smoothly" as a result of the study, it can be said, it seems quite promising for the user.

The Lumee system is currently being investigated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is the biggest barrier for medical devices seeking to do business in the United States. Information about the exact time when the system "reaches the patient" is still not public, but once it is censored by the FDA the user will no longer have to wait.