Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil

It is believed that Aye Aye monkeys will bring death, so when meeting them, they must catch and stab their eyes.

Monkey Aye Aye has a scientific name, Daubentonia madagascariensis . Some scientists believe that they are a species of lemur family. Because they were seen as the omens of demons, they were hated by the people of Madagascar.

Picture 1 of Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil

Monkey Aye Aye is only found in the eastern forests of Madagascar. They live in tropical forests and deciduous forest. They also often go to farming areas to get food. Aye Aye Monkey is quite small in size, weighs about 3kg, with a body length of only about 25-40cm.

They have a fairly long and large tail. From a distance, they look like squirrels. Body hair is usually dark brown or black, neck and face covered with white hair. They stand out with big, dark ears and pricked out front. The muzzle is relatively pointed, eyes round, large and wide.

Picture 2 of Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil

In particular, they have teeth with large and very strong front teeth. Small and very long fingers help them cling to tree branches to find food and catch prey. Aye Aye's incisors develop continuously and are used to chew the bark that supports the fingers to get food from inside the bark. This is omnivores. They eat fruits, seeds, insects, nectar, mushrooms .

In particular, they like to eat beetles and hard-shelled fruits like coconut, hard seeds like hemp seeds. They often listen to sounds to find the larvae in the bark. Studies show that Aye Aye is capable of sensing insect movements at depths of 3 to 4 meters. They often move on tall trees thanks to their skillful climbing ability, and they can jump from tree to tree at moderate distances.

Picture 3 of Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil

Aye Aye monkeys often start looking for food about 30 minutes after sunset. They spend 80% of the night time on this ongoing diet. This particular animal often lives alone. However, sometimes people come across them to eat in small groups, which are often small immature monkeys who go to feed with their mothers.

Aye Aye species resides in the same branch as humans, monkeys and apes. While most monkeys live on trees, this small monkey lives in a tree cavity. They don't have breeding seasons or they can give birth any time they want.

Picture 4 of Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil

The average life of this species is 10 years old. Currently Aye Aye monkeys are in extremely critical condition. If not protected, in a short time, Aye Aye will only appear in books.