More than half of Mars may have ice

According to US scientists, the initial data from the latest image scanning method on Mars shows that more than half of Red planet's surface may have ice. The scientists say the new method is much more accurate than previous methods.

Picture 1 of More than half of Mars may have ice (Photo: Until now, scientists could only find water accumulated on the Red planet by using a spectrometer mounted on the Mars Odyssey probe to orbit around Mars. It is a device for measuring nuclear radiation from a planet to detect different materials. However, it only gives accurate results within a few hundred kilometers.

The new method was developed by Dr. Joshua Bandfield of Arizona State University. According to the doctor, water in the form of ice accounts for about 1/3 to 1/2 of the surface of the Red planet. These data are important for the mission to launch the Mars Mars probe in August and the mission to bring a device to the surface of the Red planet to dig ice.