Mugwort - Overdose can be poisoned

Mugwort is a medicinal plant that can be used as a vegetable. Therefore, some people often overdose and rarely cases of poisoning, leaving unfortunate consequences.

Mugwort is a popular medicine, but can cure many diseases. Perhaps because of that, the 'nickname ' of the medicine book has the earliest records of mugwort's performance, giving it the name 'medicine' , which means medicine used exclusively in medicine. .

According to Oriental medicine:

Mugwort leaves (chlorophyll) are bitter (bitter), tan (spicy), temperate, poisonous and poisonous (slightly toxic); Go into 3 Bibles, Can and Kidney. Has the effect of moderate menstrual bleeding (warming the meridians and hemostasis), the welding canopy only (warming, anti-pain), except low, only positive (anti-itching). Often used to treat cold stomach pain, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, women with gonorrhea (haemorrhage, bleeding), fetal bleeding, irregular menstruation, non-conception due to a damaged uterus, low diagnosis (eczema), itchy skin .

Dosage: Colors drink from 3 - 10g. Special cases (depending on the patient's condition and location) can be used up to 30g (physician's opinion is required).

Picture 1 of Mugwort - Overdose can be poisoned

Normally, if it is dried wormwood, it is generally recommended to use it in a dose of 3 - 5g, if it is fresh mugwort, only use 9-15g.

External use: Amount depending on demand, retire, bundle, wash and use as wormwood in acupuncture.

When used to stop bleeding, it often turns into coal. When used to activate menstrual blood, often use live or soaked with alcohol.

- Suspicion: Suitable for welding, the organ can 'sound bloody heat' (according to the classification of post-oriental medicine) use must be careful. In general, for women with weakened bodies, non-regulating menstruation, menstrual cramps, prefers warm packs, purple hues, . of 'welding' , chlorophyll has a very therapeutic effect. good. But people with internal heat, hypertension should not be used.

According to modern research results:

In addition to affirming the effects such as menstruation, blood pressure, welding canopy . that ancient people have discovered, modern studies also found: wormwood also inhibits many types of bacteria and viruses cause sick:

Mugwort broth has the effect of inhibiting staphylococcus aureus, interstitial hemolytic anemia, paralysis of coccidiosis, diphtheria bacilli, dysentery bacilli, typhoid bacilli and paratyphoid .

There are inhibitory effects on some viruses, among them adenovirus (ADV, a virus in the DNA-containing virus that infects the upper respiratory tract, leading to cold-like symptoms). and rhinovirus (the main cause of common colds).

In particular, modern studies also show that the ancient judgment of the toxicity of chlorophyll is based on:

The oil in the wormwood is a therapeutic ingredient, which is also the most toxic ingredient in mugwort. For external use, may cause the skin lining to become hot, flushed. Use to drink in a dose of about 3 - 5g to stimulate the stomach to increase gastric secretion, making food more delicious. But high doses can lead to counterproduction or being poisoned.

Toxic expression: initially, the mouth and throat are slightly irritated, the patient's throat feels dry and thirsty. After taking the medicine for about half an hour, there is an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region; abdominal pain, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting . due to acute stomach and intestinal inflammation. After a few days, when the drug has entered the liver, it can cause metabolic disorders of liver cells, leading to acute hepatitis due to poisoning and jaundice; Hepatomegaly, cloudy urine, urine and bile fluids (biliuria) . Pharmacology of mugwort can also damage blood vessels and blood vessels, leading to congestion and uterine hemorrhage. , causing pregnant women to miscarry .

Picture 2 of Mugwort - Overdose can be poisoned

The toxicity of chlorophyll has the greatest impact on the central nervous system. With therapeutic doses, chlorophyll has the effect of stimulating the cortex and dermis. But when the dose is too high, the central nervous system is overjoyed, leading to tremor in the limbs, then local or body twitching; After a few times, it can lead to resolution (stiffness), chatter, even paralysis. Microscopic examination can detect lesions in brain cells. After being cured, often left behind sequelae such as forgetfulness, hallucinations, neuritis .

Therefore, in daily life, when taking it inside, generally use about 3 - 5g (dry) as well. Maximum cannot use more than 10g (dry). Using 20-30g can lead to poisoning. Some scientific reports say that, in some cases, about 100g of drinking colors have led to death.

When using savory leaves to drink instead of tea, only use about 3 - 5g dry (9-15g fresh). Should only be used in batches, leave the sick leave.

For those women who need to use 'mugwort chicken eggs' to soak them or to get pregnant . they should only use 3 - 5 small tops (about 9 - 15g fresh), avoid overdose. Need to remove the habit of asking the restaurant for more mugwort.

Ordinary people, without illness, do not use mugwort as a regular drink, like tea.

Herbalist Huan Thao.