Mysterious curse on Shakespeares grave

In order to keep me sleepy and not disturbed, the great poet Shakespreares carved a grave curse on his tombstone.

Mysterious curse on Shakespeares grave

Because of issues related to spiritual factors, people often avoid moving to the ancient tombs. Particularly for the great poet Shakespeare, to ensure that no one had been affected by his thousand-dollar sleep, he had carved a special curse on the tombstone that made sure that anyone who read it felt worried. be afraid. On his grave at Stratford-Upon-Avon Holy Trinity church inscribed with the words: ' ' For thou hast thou hast, those who intend to dig here. The Lord will bless those who stay away from the tomb, and curse cursing those who dare to touch my bones ".

Picture 1 of Mysterious curse on Shakespeares grave
Curse on William Shakespeare grave at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.

It is thought that this curse was written by Shakespeare himself . At his time, it was quite common for bodies to be excavated for research or for burial. Therefore, this writer does not want the same thing to happen to his remains. Looks like this curse worked. Even when the tomb was repaired in 2008, the workers did not dare to move the stones, not to touch the bones of Shakespeare.

Picture 2 of Mysterious curse on Shakespeares grave

Picture 3 of Mysterious curse on Shakespeares grave Full scene of William Shakespeare at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Recently, scientists have proposed the excavation and study of Shakespeare's remains by the same method as King Richard III . Many people joked that they will have the opportunity to test the curse of the Shakespeare grave. According to Professor Francis Thackeray (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), who wants to unearth Shakespeare's graves, they just need to reveal their bones and perform high-resolution scanning methods without touching the bones. . In addition, the team may conduct tests with his teeth.