Scan the grave radar with Shakespeare's curse

Researchers scanned the grave radar with a curse to stop intruders from the great writer William Shakespeare at Trinity Church in Stratford upon Avon, England.

Picture 1 of Scan the grave radar with Shakespeare's curse
Tomb of Shakespeare at Trinity church.(Photo: Xinhua).

According to Discocovery News, the inscription on the grave means "Keep away from my grave. Those who keep and do not touch my grave will be blessed. Those who touch my remains will be cursed." The survey helps researchers better understand Shakespeare's life and family, discover unmarked graves and burial objects in coffins.

"We can confirm the radar scan is complete. The results will be announced in late spring," said a spokesman for the Trinity church.

Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's wife and his daughter Suzanna as well as other relatives in the family line are buried in graves around Shakespeare's grave. The famous English writer (1564 - 1616) is the author of 38 plays and 154 episodes.