What would Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great or Van Gogh look like in the 21st century?

A researcher has used AI (artificial intelligence) to learn about the copyright of the great poet William Shakespeare in the past.

At the time of birth, the great celebrities of history had immortal statements and words that shook the hearts of millions of people.

According to Herodotus, the people of the Blemmyes do not have their heads but their eyes, nose, and mouth lie in the chest.

They are all very famous names in the history of the world, with merits and contributions to the world.

Below is a list of 40 people with the highest IQ in human history, making tremendous contributions to changing the modern world.

The new German researchers found two new portraits of famous writer and poet William Shakespeare.

Scientists from South Africa have used a new technology to elucidate the mysteries within the pipes found in the garden of the famous playwright William Shakespeare.

In order to keep me sleepy and not disturbed, the great poet Shakespreares carved a grave curse on his tombstone.

Not only famous for plays, great poets Shakespeare also resonated with many poems and contributed greatly to English dictionary ...