Egyptian Pharaoh and deadly curse

The curse is placed on the entrance to the tomb of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs to protect them from being disturbed or looted.

The deadly curse of Egyptian Pharaohs

Stories and rumors surrounding the tomb and mummies in Egypt exist for centuries. Records from the Middle Ages to Can Dai all write that, should not interfere with the burial ground of ancient Egypt because it will be haunted.

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Many believe that the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun contains a mysterious curse.(Photo: Ancient)

It is thought that the monk made a curse around the burial ground to protect the mummy and their spiritual journey after death. Anyone who steps into disturbing the tomb and the mummy is possessed by the "Pharaoh's curse" , who will be unlucky and unlucky.

The Egyptians curse when holding a ceremony to protect the burial site. The curse is recorded in the tomb of the tomb , on the wall, fake doors, beer, statues, sometimes coffins. One of the more unusual curse is the "Curse of the Donkey", the one who trespasses the tomb will be raped by a donkey. The donkey is the face symbol of the evil god Sheth, the son of the god Geb and the goddess Nut god. Sheth stumbles upon the female goddess Hathor, who is bathing in the river and raping her, thus being considered an evil and rebellious god.

In addition, Amenhotep , the head of the 18th Egyptian dynasty, threatened anyone who dared to enter his tomb with many curses. They will " lose all honor and place on the earth, be cremated in a frightening furnace, overturned and sunk into the deep sea, without an heir, without a mausoleum or a funeral organization. separately, starvation, rotting body and bones are rotten ".

Stories of " Pharaoh's curse" began around the 7th century, when the Arab conquered Egypt and could not read hieroglyphs , making everything mysterious. They believed that the Egyptians would cover the curse on anyone who dared to enter the crypt, reviving the mummy with magic.

The excavation of King Tutankhamen's tomb in 1923 was the most famous of the " curse of the Pharaoh ". Some people were present at the time of the opening of the catacombs all died shortly afterwards and met a strange event. Most of the stories involved Howard Carter , the British archaeologist who led the excavation.

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Howard Carter (the highest standing) with the excavator of Tutankhamen tomb.(Photos: Wikipedia)

Carter spotted a clay plate in the small room in front of the grave. A few days later, a member of the research team deciphered the hieroglyphics on the earth slab that read " Death will come to anyone who will disturb the peace of Pharaoh".

The first sign of the curse occurred when Carter asked the messenger to return home. Upon arrival, the messenger heard a weak cry and saw Carter's canary being eaten by cobra.

Within 7 weeks after opening the tomb, Clark, Count of Carnarvon , who discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, died of mosquito bites . The media quickly reported that the "Pharaoh's curse " was fulfilled, and now people still believe in this.

Skeptics believe that many people who visit and explore the tomb still live healthy. One study found that, out of 58 people present when the tomb and coffin were opened, only eight died within 10 years. All others are still alive including Howard Carter, who died at age 64 because of lymphoma in 1939.

Most Egyptian curse seems metaphysical . However, some cases of tombs contain pitfalls, as well as poisons that cause injury or death to the abusers. Ancient Egyptian engineers covered the floor and walls of the tomb with hematite powder, sharp metal dust that caused a slow and painful death for the inhaler.

While the curse seems to be the superstition of the ancients, many modern people today still equip themselves with the destiny or spell to counter the influence of the curse.

Many scientific studies show a strange psychological phenomenon . Those who believe that they are cursed cannot cope with illness, eventually dying of mental stress. It is possible that the curse from ancient times is still valid until today thanks to this way.

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The blade of clay recorded a curse in Tutankhamen's tomb.(Photo: Ancient)