Mysterious house appears on the steep cliff 'Devil's Slippery Slope', which no one can get close to

On the dangerous cliff known as the 'Devil's Slope', just a few meters from the Pacific Ocean, there is a wooden house. Many questions have been raised about this house but no one has the exact answer.

A strange, rickety three-story house made of wooden planks has appeared on the edge of a cliff in the Bay Area of ​​California (USA). This is a cliff edge called 'Devil's Slide', which is famous for landslides, so much so that a road that once passed nearby was destroyed. This cliff has a creepy name because it is an extremely dangerous slippery slope leading down to the ocean.

Picture 1 of Mysterious house appears on the steep cliff 'Devil's Slippery Slope', which no one can get close to
Images from a drone video recorded in December 2022 revealed the house. (Photo: Mail Online).

The mysterious house was first spotted in December 2022, via a drone video. Since then, many people have tried to find more images of it on Google Maps. The house appears to have several rooms, perched precariously on a small cliff. The view from inside the house can be either beautiful or terrifying, depending on your point of view.

Picture 2 of Mysterious house appears on the steep cliff 'Devil's Slippery Slope', which no one can get close to
The house is perched on a steep, slippery cliff, just meters from the ocean waves. (Photo: ParallaxEffect/ YouTube).

Zoomed-in images show signs of life, as there appear to be wooden chairs and a locked room inside. Google Maps images also show what appears to be a rope connecting the house to the Devil's Slide trail, which is believed to be the entrance to the house.

But until now, the questions remain unanswered: Who built that house? Why? How?.

Picture 3 of Mysterious house appears on the steep cliff 'Devil's Slippery Slope', which no one can get close to
Who could build a house in this location, and how? (Photo: NY Post).

A spokesperson for San Mateo County (California) told SFGATE that because the 'project' is located next to the ocean and not on County land, the County does not manage it.

Picture 4 of Mysterious house appears on the steep cliff 'Devil's Slippery Slope', which no one can get close to
Close-up of the mysterious house. (Photo: ParallaxEffect/ YouTube).

Samuel Casillas, a local land official, told The San Francisco Chronicle : 'We know there's something down there, but we don't know who it belongs to. It's in a very dangerous location, it's really inaccessible.' Mr. Castillas also said that whoever lived in the house clearly wanted to be alone and that others should respect that preference.