Discover many steep cliffs in Nepal

The explorers discovered a series of caves decorated with Buddha-shaped figures, located on a vertical cliff of the northern Himalaya in Nepal. The discovery has made scientists extremely excited and amazed.

An international group of scholars, writers, explorers and international climbers checked at least 12 cave zones at 4,300 m altitude near Lo Manthang, a medieval city in Nepal's Mustang district.

The caves contain 13th-century paintings as well as Tibetan inscriptions made of ink, silver, gold and ceramic pieces preceding the era of God.

"Who lives in those caves? When did they live and these caves were dug up, because they were on the steep cliffs?" Asked Broughton Coburn, a member of the group. "It is an intriguing mystery".

"These findings underscore the wealth of the Buddhist tradition in this area - spanning almost a millennium - as well as the artistic talents of Newari painters," Coburn, a conservation and development expert. Himalaya said. Newari is a minority of Nepalese known for their painting skills on the walls and other forms of Buddhist art.

Picture 1 of Discover many steep cliffs in Nepal
The caves are located on the steep cliffs. (Photo: Reuters)

Cave zones are a few hours away. Some caves are used for burial or to hide wealth. There are about 20 doors in each zone, the lower floors are connected by vertical roads with many rudimentary hand and foot holes, which require some basic climbing skills.

The caves contain the remains of towers, decorative paintings illustrating the various forms of the Buddha's nest, accompanied by disciples, servants and beggars. These creatures are still intact because the area has never been violated before.