Mysterious things about

What frightens indigenous peoples is that not only people but also cows and buffaloes are "sucked" into the cave, they mysteriously lose their bodies.

Every few years, the water cave is clear and suddenly it's about 3 days and then back in again. What frightens indigenous peoples is that not only people but also cows and buffaloes are "sucked" into the cave, they mysteriously lose their bodies.

The mystery of the cave never runs out

The road from Highway 70 to A village is filled with stones. High ramps stand up to the back of the sky. Heaven in the afternoon, the weak sunlight gradually disappeared after the high mountains, suddenly darkened only for a moment.

Therefore, with only 8 kilometers, we also struggled for more than 1 hour to get to the beginning of the village. Ask Mr. A A Min, the young man in the village head to the cave 'smoking people' , A Min said 'At night, if you want to go to the cave' to attract people ', you have to go in the daytime, it is dangerous to go in there at night , be careful not to be caught by the body '(?).

Hamlet A Noi at night is gloomy and deserted. Scattered from the folds of the three ethnic Nung ethnic groups are fierce light through the roof of palm leaves. Mines said: 'Have you seen the difficulties of your villagers? Not like it is down there. ' Saying, Min poured a glass of hot water to invite guests from far away. When the sounds of forest birds have been silenced, we fall into a deep sleep together with the wish for a quick morning to remain 'the item of sight' of the cave that attracts people, the people here are frightened.

Picture 1 of Mysterious things about
Cave water carries many strange and mysterious stories.

Early in the morning, when the sun just emerged from the towering mountains, A Min woke us up. Just go, A Mines has just mentioned the rumors surrounding the cave.'In the old days, the villagers used to call it "luong luong" after many people died too. It was called a "smoking" niche, the cave "sucked people" or the cave "eat people". The language of the indigenous peoples here is called 'the chang chang chang'. The cave has a natural source of water and no one knows when it came out , ' A Min begins the story.

According to the legend of the ancients, in the past, from this cave there were spraying water columns about 4 - 5m high. The water from the stone cavity is as clear as a cat's eye. Water flows all year round, never runs out. The cave is not large, but this is the place where water is supplied and water is used to irrigate the villagers around the area. The cave was so deep that no one dived to the bottom, had to connect a few new trees to the bottom of the cave.

'According to many old people in the village, the water cave is mysterious and fierce, there are many nooks and crannies, deep underground rocks, many aquifers flow everywhere but no one can know. The water in this cave is very strange. Winter is warm, summer is very cool. In the cave of this country there were many fish, strange fish as big as the adult calves, but the villagers here did not catch them because they were very smart, often hiding deep in the underground rock. ' A Min said.

Story . 'Gathering the cave wash' every 5 years

According to our observations, around the water cave are large rocks, in the area of ​​the water cave there are three long boulders that look very similar to the stream. Around the thick vegetation, water flows from the clear cave. This is the source of water for daily life for A Noi villagers.

Bring questions to find out about the original area of ​​the cave, Lu Ba Ty, nearly 90 years old this year, said that it does not know from which life. Only know the water cave the day before was as big as a 3-room house. But do not understand why the water cave is getting smaller and smaller despite no human impact.

According to the people, every 5 years, the water in the cave changes again. The water is clear and suddenly turbid like the river water, the water is turbid exactly 3 days and 3 nights and then returns to its normal state. Another strange phenomenon that so far the people here cannot explain is that when people see water in a cave of ice 3 days 3 nights, it is a signal for prolonged heavy rains for the next days. close.

They said that it was due to 'crowding the cave' , they were struggling so the water in the cave was muddy. At such times, people stay away, not daring to approach the cave.

Picture 2 of Mysterious things about
People take water from the stream stream nearby.

Deciphering the truth of 'cannibalism'

Around this cave there are many strange things that people here cannot explain. They recounted that the cave was so sacred and evil. Lu Thi Von, this year, is about 90 years old but still has a lucid feeling that when she was young, she heard about water cave. The dogs of the villagers are chained by very large and sturdy strings, but when walking the dog over here, people can only hold back each string without knowing when the dog was lost. According to Mr. Von, since the villagers came here to live, there were many people and many cattle and buffaloes and pigs that were sucked by this cave (?).

The story that people often tell is that on the other side, there are a lot of Dao people living on the other side of the A Lien village. In one time, two father and son went to the hill to work. It was like a fire in the sun, so the father sent his son to find water to bring back. The baby went to the cave but never returned.

Seeing her go to the water for a long time, the father went to find and found the water container in the cave, not the child. Knowing that your child has been sucked away by the cave, the father is extremely angry. In order to find her body, she was trapped under a deep stone underground, her father had to go to the village to ask a very good shaman to enlist the charm and worship. The teacher offered a ritual of a pig, a chicken and two copper pots, straw brooms from newly cut glutinous rice fields. After being "enchanted" , the water from the cave was no longer as powerful as before.

We went to Lu Lu Lanh. Mr. Lanh is the one who witnessed the ritual of worshiping the cave a few decades ago. Mr. Lanh said, since the teacher offered the Dao a little vein, the cave had very little flow. Fear of not having water to use should be transmitted to each other by not taking copper pots to catch water because as instructed by the master, the water will flow less when using bronze items.

Mr. Lanh affirmed: 'Despite being enchanted, the water cave still attracted many buffaloes and buffaloes of the villagers after that. Talking about drowning buffaloes no one can believe because buffalo not only swim but swim very well. However, the buffaloes came to the cave where the bath and bathing were there and suddenly went missing mysteriously, the body of the buffalo did not float up and sink completely. In such times, the villagers here have to go and look for the nearby Dao priests to make worshiping ceremonies so that the buffalo bodies will emerge '.

Most recently, in 2007, in A Noi village, there was a heartbreaking incident. During a visit to the cave to catch fish, Vang Van Ngan drowned. The incident once again caused the whole A Noi village to live in fear and anxiety. Many elderly people in the village were afraid to touch the gods, causing them to get angry, to arrest people, and cattle to "punish" the villagers (?). Therefore, for a long time, the cave has no people to come back and even nobody dares to go there.

Taking these things to meet A Noi Village Head, Mr. Nong Van Lai denied him completely. Mr. Lai also heard about the water cave story but he did not believe it was true.

'Water cave provides clean water for villagers. The cases that the villagers consider to be 'attracted' by people are caused by the fact that they cannot swim. As for buffaloes and cows, death is caused by deep water caves, sharp and erect rock formations, so when it falls, it is impossible to get up. When the cloudy water is caused by the upstream water, the flood comes. All these things I have to propagate for people to understand, avoid superstition and superstition , "Mr. Lai said.