Names can affect the shape of your face

According to a new study published on the homepage of the American Psychological Association, each name is associated with a specific face type.

The author of the project, a group of students from Jerusalem University (Israel) uses a method of testing "look at guessing pictures". In many different conditions, the percentage of participants guessing from the list of 5 names for each photo is approximately 35%. They tried many different ways and discovered that each type of face is actually associated with a certain name .

Picture 1 of Names can affect the shape of your face
Men and some typical faces.

The name itself does not shape the subject in the "spiritual" way most people think. In fact, after the baby was born, parents were also under the influence of the unseen crowd as "This face must be suitable for the name A, B" . However, the rate at which parents choose to give us the "standard" name depends on the prejudice of society later.

For example, a person named A who is considered to be hot-tempered by the group, and treats the way they usually do to such a type of person, will cause A to form a "self-obsessed" mindset and have traits. The way the society expected, making their facial muscles become more active, made the jawbone grow bigger, resulting in a mass pattern.

Other factors include parents' genes and ways of getting young hair to imitate their parents from their childhood (which is influenced by society). Most interesting is that the participants also looked at the image and guessed the right names of those in their cultural community, such as the French or Israeli guesses the country name more accurately.

Picture 2 of Names can affect the shape of your face
Each face can say the name of the person.

In addition to computer-based measurement algorithms, the team concludes that each face can speak the person's name. Or more succinctly, an individual's face will change according to the perception of the majority of what a person named A or B will look like.

However, some other scientists still do not agree completely and want to dig deeper before asserting, especially in cases of strange names and minority.