
US scientists have created a durable, elastic nanofilm. This membrane can be used to make disposable cups or outer shell of a spacecraft .

Picture 1 of Nano-cushioning

Compressed carbon nanotube

Created by carbon nanotubes, the nanoparticles behave like a spring of mattresses. It resilient to the impact but still maintains this capability after thousands of compression cycles, unlike spring buffers.

In addition, the nanofilm has a low density, making it an ideal material for making sponge-like super-lightweight structures.

According to Professor Anyuan Cao of the University of Hawaii, the length of carbon nanotubes in the membrane can be compressed to 15%, much like a spring. After each compression cycle, the nanotubes return to elasticity, creating a great shock absorption. The thickness of the tube is reduced slightly after several hundred times. Then, it stabilized and remained constant throughout 10,000 times without any damage. Nanoparticles are also very stable when exposed to strong chemicals, high temperatures and humidity.

Carbon nanotubes were made from carbon and were first created in 1991. Among other applications, nanotubes were used to enhance the concrete

Minh Son