Napoleon of super thieves and turbulent life

The thief Adam was behind many major robberies in the 19th century and was dubbed "Napoleon in the criminal world".

Adam Worth is a special thief in the history of mankind, with great intelligence and recklessness, he has become one of the myths of life, nicknamed 'Napoleon by the favored man. of criminals'.

Starting from scratch

Born in 1844, Adam Worth is the second of a poor Jewish family in Germany. When he was 5 years old, the whole family Worth moved to America and settled in Massachusetts. Living in the slums, Worth quickly understood the affliction of the poor family, so he always dreamed of becoming rich and wealthy.

At the age of 14, he left his home because he was too tired to work hard for the rich. At the same time, the American civil war broke out, so the young Worth had to take the gun to battle.

But Worth's career didn't last long, just before the battle, he was injured and transferred to the hospital. A few days later, Worth learned that the old unit had put his name on the death list. Taking that opportunity, Worth left the hospital, escaping from all obligations of military service.

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Portrait of Adam Worth super theft

Adam Worth decided to go to New York to start a business. Now, this is the most unstable land in the United States, the location of theft, pickpockets, prostitution, gambling, organized crime. Worth to join Sophie Lyons - a famous thief. In just a short time, the 21-year-old quickly learned all the tricks from Lyons.

The more scheming, Worth and the young thieves set up a gang, closely linked to a pawnshop, to profit. Within 3 years, the unknown year has become a notorious name in New York.

While "eating out" , Worth was arrested by police for stealing a cashbox on the train of Adams Express courier. He was sentenced and sentenced to three years of hard labor in the infamous Sing Sing prison.

Sitting in prison for a few weeks, thanks to the support of his juniors, Worth successfully escaped. Too depressed on the street, he went to work under the mansion of "Marm" Mandelbaum. She is an intermediary between police and criminals, always standing to settle the robbery of the thieves. At the same time, she is also a place to consume expensive items that the thieves collect.

Super theft of America

With a handsome appearance, intelligence and courtesy, Worth is loved by Marm. Marm favored to give him some secrets in the black profession. From a pirate, Worth became a great thief with incredible missions.

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From a pirate, Worth became a great thief with incredible missions.(Illustration).

Within 5 years, Worth broke into many of the biggest banks and jewelers in the city. The largest of these is the taking of $ 200,000 worth of bonds (about VND 4.1 billion at current exchange rates) in Massachusetts.

Inadvertently hearing Marmn's wish was to listen to Charles W. Bullard - a disciple of a new tycoon who was arrested and imprisoned for piano fraud. Worth desperately digging a tunnel to the prison and sending Bullard out safely. At this point, Marm is more and more valuable, since then, the reputation of this thief is even more prominent among criminals.

Bullard is very grateful after being rescued by Worth. Both decided to make brotherhood and become a terrifying couple of America at that time. Two elite thieves everywhere, are the authors of many scams and theft in the United States.

The highest peak was the breach of Boylston National Bank located on the corner of Washington Street. Two super thieves dig a tunnel to the bank's money store and easily take away $ 1 million (about VND 20.8 billion at the current exchange rate) in cash.

European turmoil

The distant reputation means that super thieves get much attention from the government and the police. They made the determination to catch it by Worth. Sniffing the danger, the criminal couple sailed to Europe to practice.

The first choice was England, within just one year, this "evil duo" had terrified Liverpool. After Kitty Flynn - Bullard's newlywed wife joined the group, Worth decided to go to France in search of a new challenge.

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The trio bought a house in Paris and conducted a wine business. This bar is extremely attractive to customers because of professionalism, many expensive wines and beautiful waiters. Also here, Worth formed a criminal gang, consisting of many talents in fraud, theft, unlocking, bank robberies .

The gang's illegal business attracted the attention of detective William Pinkerton. He provided important evidence to the local police, and at the same time prevented many cheeky scams. Fearing being caught, Worth's gang decided to flee to London.

Back in England, Worth trades a pub to cross the eyes of his illegal activists. This bustling bar is a gathering place for many people with blood in society, therefore, super thieves have a lot of information needed to practice - the location of a big shop, a bank, a family. rich or money transport . During a long period in the 70s of the nineteenth century, a series of big burglaries happened and the culprit was none other than Adam Worth.

The last day comes .

After the heyday, Worth's bandages disintegrated gradually, the members of the group after accumulating a large amount of retirement were safe. Worth is very supportive of this and helps all the juniors get paid.

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William Pinkerton was the one who sent Worth to jail, but he himself helped this super thief

In 1880, the super thief married. Worth seemed to be able to live peacefully to the end of his life with his wife and two children, but the 'ruin day' of Worth finally arrived.

Detective William Pinkerton after many years still does not give up the Worth catch. He silently went to London to track down the criminal boss and the opportunity to go to the talented detective.

Thanks to the intelligence network, Pinkerton learned that Adam decided to make a bank robbery in Liege. The super thief was summed up on October 5, 1892, when he sneaked into the bank's money car.

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Portrait and book about Adam Worth

At the trial, before the Pinkerton evidence, Worth acknowledged his crime. Super thief was only sentenced to 7 years in prison, but his wealth of assets was confiscated by the state. After leaving prison, Adam Worth became a poor and sick, abandoned by his friends and society.

In the meantime, it was Detective William Pinkerton who took him out. The detective gave Worth to borrow money to do business, the super thief guard paid off in the revenge of many people. Adam Worth died shortly after, when he was 58 years old. Pinkerton recognizes Harry - Worth's eldest son and adopts Harry in his detective company.