NASA delayed the shuttle launch

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) said yesterday it will delay the launch of the shuttle to Atlantis due to the ship's fuel tank being damaged after a hailstorm.

According to the scheduled schedule, Atlantis will be launched into space on March 15, and it has been put on a launch pad waiting for takeoff. However, a hailstorm on the end of February 26 left hundreds of dents on the fuel tank and one side of the ship.

Wayne Hale, director of NASA's Spacecraft Program, said the ship needed to be repaired in many places and that the process could not be done at the launch pad, so it would be taken to a hangar in China. Kennedy universe.

The ship is expected to be returned to the hangar by the end of this week or early next week. According to NASA, the launch of the ship will be delayed by at least one month and the earliest possible launch time is the end of April.

Picture 1 of NASA delayed the shuttle launch
Fuel tank is dented after a hail storm (Photo: AP)