NASA discovered the giant galaxy surrounding the cosmic black hole

NASA has just discovered a giant galaxy codenamed MS0735 surrounding a large black hole located farther away from Earth than humans have ever known.

Picture 1 of NASA discovered the giant galaxy surrounding the cosmic black hole
The picture of the galaxy code-named MS0735 is about 2.6 billion light-years away.(Photo: NASA)

The new galaxy discovered by NASA contains a great black hole with at least a billion times as much matter as our Sun. In terms of distance, the MS0735 is about 2.6 billion light-years away.

The source of energy that the black hole emits has tremendous energy, equal to thousands of billions of solar energy sources.

The photo was taken from 3 places, then astronomers combined them into a complete picture. The photographs taken by the Hubble Space Telescope show that dozens of galaxies are bound together by gravity.

Diffuse, a type of hot gas with temperatures close to 50 million degrees emitted in intergalactic space. These gases also emit X-rays and blue rays in the image, taken from the Chandra X-ray observatory.