NASA exploration robots are torn by Mars

NASA published photos show that the middle wheel on the left of the Curiosity probe breaks many sections due to the complex terrain on Mars.

Two of the friction plates on the left middle wheel of the Curiosity probe were broken. Damage was discovered during a periodic inspection on March 19, after the operation team evaluated photos from the Mars Hands Lens Imager (MAHLI) placed on Curiosity's arm, Techtimes reported.

Picture 1 of NASA exploration robots are torn by Mars
Damage on Curiosity wheels.(Photo: NASA).

The extreme terrain of Mars is causing much damage to the set of 6 hard aluminum wheels, each with a diameter of 50cm and a surface of 40cm wide. The inner wheel rim is made of titanium. Each wheel is covered by 19 zigzag segments, rising about 6 mm above the wheel surface. They help ensure friction and balance for Curiosity on Mars's rugged terrain.

Over 5 years of operation, exploration vehicles have to suffer many damage to the wheel system. These holes and tears became worse since 2013, when Curiosity crossed the sharp rocky terrain to the foot of Mount Sharp near the landing zone in 2012. Damage discovered for the first time in the friction pattern was very strong, makes the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) closely monitor Curiosity.

Mars terrain is very complex and dangerous, making exploration vehicles take up to 5 years for the planned journey. Based on Earth's test results, damage on the wheel indicates that it has reached 60% of life expectancy. NASA said Curiosity operated twice as long as expected.

This probe still has about 6km to complete the task. NASA is trying to minimize harm by choosing a safer route for Curiosity.