NASA has put a vegetable garden on the universe

On 4/5, the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) announced that it has put a vegetable garden on the International Space Station (ISS). Thus, astronauts will have the opportunity to eat fresh vegetables while on orbit.

>>>NASA will grow lettuce on the universe

According to Live Science, NASA said SpaceX had delivered 2.5 tons of cargo to ISS to supply astronauts. There was a vegetable growing room called Veggie .

Picture 1 of NASA has put a vegetable garden on the universe
NASA will grow lettuce on ISS - (Photo:

Veggie uses a red and green LED system, creating a purple light stream to facilitate photosynthesis.

In addition, Veggie has a green LED. When all three lights were on, Veggie's light emitted was a bright purple. NASA chose to use LED lights because they work for a long time.

'Veggie will help astronauts study orbital cultivation' , ' NASA expert Gioia Massa said.

The seeds that NASA put on orbit for planting are lettuce and zinni. Astronauts on ISS will have to send their first harvest to Earth to test whether they are safe to eat or not. After that, the astronauts have the opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables grown by themselves.

British Guardian newspaper quoted Professor Ian Crawford of the University of London (UK), said the ability to grow food on the universe will be very important for long-term space missions, especially when in the future people can 'settled' on the Moon or Mars.