NASA releases photos of 10 'treasures' that may contain evidence of alien life

NASA's Perseverance rover, which hunts for alien life, has just shown off images of 10 specimens ready to be brought back to Earth, promising many breakthrough discoveries.

According to Space, the image released by NASA is a composite image of many different camera angles that allows viewers to get an overview of a large area of ​​Mars called Three Forks , marked with 10 locations where Perseverance left titanium Mars sample tubes .

Picture 1 of NASA releases photos of 10 'treasures' that may contain evidence of alien life
Image marked with 10 "treasures" of Perseverance - (Photo: NASA).

A joint campaign by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) promises to bring these precious samples back to Earth within the next decade.

Labs around the world could then embark on special research to identify and further unravel the mysteries of the materials that Perseverance's "mini-lab" has previously explored.

These are samples believed to contain evidence of extraterrestrial life, with materials that could reflect a cool, watery Mars billions of years ago, and even complex organic material.

Earlier in 2021, Perseverance and its companion, the small helicopter Ingenuty, landed in the vast Jezero Crater area, a giant pit believed to be an ancient river delta on the red planet that once housed living creatures.

This autonomous robotic rover has two main missions: searching for signs of life directly on Mars and collecting samples to send back to Earth for analysis.

Perseverance is still performing well and will continue its extended mission alongside Ingenuty as well as another "older" rover, Curiosity, to continue to identify evidence of life.

Previously, NASA's research increasingly reinforced the belief that Mars once had a lot of water like Earth, before the atmosphere unfortunately thinned and the magnetosphere weakened, leading to the loss of water into space.

According to NASA, the new Mars orbiters and landers will launch in 2027 and 2028, respectively. The landers will carry a fleet of helicopters to collect the samples that Perseverance has prepared.