NASA seeks a portal into another world and traces of aliens in Antarctica

NASA decided to explore the Erebus volcano in Antarctica, finding traces of extraterrestrials and other world gates.

Picture 1 of NASA seeks a portal into another world and traces of aliens in Antarctica
Erebus volcano.(© AFP 2016 / NASA / Earth Observatory).

Scientists believe that this mysterious place can keep track of extraterrestrial civilization. They believed, a long time ago aliens might have come to Antarctica.

"The southern continent hides a large number of puzzles, in this case, the list only continues more and more over time. For example, at least the mysterious Erebus volcano, as we have coins The direction of believing that there are traces of aliens " , Planet Today quoted the representative of the US space agency.

This volcano is unique because the central part of the crater does not accumulate lava, which is characteristic of all other objects of this type. Also in the mountains, the temperature never exceeds zero degrees, causing some scientists to believe that there is a port in the volcano that leads to a parallel world.