Vatican seeks aliens

The question of whether or not the outsider has been the question of many of us. Thousands of scientists are trying to learn about that problem. And recently, the Vatican also organized a science week bringing together many of the world's leading experts to find the answer to this problem.

Picture 1 of Vatican seeks aliens

A corner of Vatican City.

Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the head of the pope's astronomers, said: "The question of whether the origin of life and whether the existence of creatures in the universe deserves a study. It is very much related to philosophy and theology " . He also said there were about 30 leading scientists in the fields of astronomy, geography, biology, physics and a number of other sciences gathered in the Vatican to find out. This topic is purely scientific. This event was organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to respond to the International Year of Astronomy.

"We have been expecting a lot about having life in space, and I hope that the first discoveries will be available in the next few years. It will be respectable when the conference on this issue organized by the Pontifical Academy of Science, although different in motivation and research methods, both the scientific and religious circles agree that life is a special thing in the universe. This broad and harsh pillar, " said Professor Chris Impey of the University of Arizona.

He added that more than 400 planets outside the solar system were discovered. Another of his colleagues, Athena Coustenis from the Paris-Meudon observatory, said: "If there is really extraterrestrial life, we will know about it soon. Perhaps it will be in the face. When we study the cosmology, we realize that this is gradually becoming true. "

The missionaries of the Christian era began to participate in understanding alien life from last year. In an interview at that time, they assumed that this was not in conflict with the belief in God. Father Funes told the Vatican spokesman, Father Osservatore Romano that he continued to believe that God was the creator of the universe as an astronomer.