New discoveries about geomagnetic fields of polar islands

New research on geomagnetic fields can help reveal the long-standing mystery about the impact of polarity on the earth.

>>>Determine the time the magnetic field once reversed

The metal core of the earth acts as a giant magnet emitting a magnetic field with two north and south poles. These two magnetic poles are often very close to the actual geography pole, which marks the axis on which the earth orbits.' Geomagnetic fields are highly dynamic,' said Norbert Nowaczyk, an ancient expert from the German Research Center for Earth Sciences GFZ. The intensity of its activities fluctuates at a rate of up to 50% or lower than the current level of 90-95%. Besides, every few hundred thousand years, the magnetic field of the earth is reversed, which means that the compass needle points south, not north. The reason for the magnetic field transfer is due to changes in the outer core layer of liquid. At some point, this outer core acts like many magnets running instead of just a single magnet. In principle, these magnets cancel each other out, causing the shield from weakening or worse than polarity.

Picture 1 of New discoveries about geomagnetic fields of polar islands
Geomagnetic fields are shields that protect the earth from radiation from the sun and the universe

The polarity times were reflected on the sensitive minerals from cold lava, allowing experts to determine the location of the magnetic pole in each specific time of earth history. According to the Earth and Planetary Science Letters report , the total polarity of the Earth's magnetic field needs to go through more than a millennium to complete, based on data recorded on the rock. However, new scientists discovered 41,000 years ago, which means that right after the modern man stepped into Europe, the pole went over and reversed in less than 1,000 years. They analyzed data on sediments taken from the Black Sea bottom, and compared them with data collected from the North Atlantic, southeast Pacific and around Hawaii. Experts were surprised to find that the geomagnetic field took about 200 years to island, during which time the natural shield of the green planet maintained only 1/20 of its strength today. OurAmazingPlanet magazine quoted Mr. Nowaczyk said that the scientific community said that the magnetic pole took 2,000 to 5,000 years to complete a round.

In this very fast turnaround, the magnetic field maintained for 440 years, at that time it was only as strong as the current 1/4. And then, it moved back to normal in 270 years. The entire polarity is called the Laschamp event, according to the regional name in France, which scientists found the first evidence in the 1960s. Earth school. Because it happens so briefly, experts say this may be a case of a polarity failure, which means that the geomagnetic field tries to move but not. Such times, also known as off-axis status, may have occurred at least a dozen times in 780,000 years, since the complete reversal event was completed, according to expert Nowaczyk.

Earth's magnetic field helps protect our planet from continuous bombardment of charged or radiation particles emanating from the sun and the universe. During the Laschamp pole, the earth was particularly vulnerable than usual, after scientists discovered high levels of beryllium radiation in ice samples in Greenland. Exposure to toxic radiation from the universe will be a real threat to our modern world. Therefore, understanding the polar island times of the earth's magnetic field will help scientists to better understand the dangers from the universe. Nowaczyk said that the satellite and GPS satellites could be damaged by directing cosmic rays through the usual thinner geomagnetic field. Therefore, the study of this shield's activity is particularly important, especially in determining when it will move the pole, as well as the length of the process, and then the strength of the magnetic field is or not.