New discoveries about Mars and the universe

Picture 1 of New discoveries about Mars and the universe Analyzing the data discovered by Mars spacecraft, scientists determined the Red planet was 4.6 billion years old and had undergone three different periods of geological development.

Scientists believe that during the first period of formation, Mars is a planet filled with water and a temperate climate. During this geological period, there is a possibility of life on the Red planet.

However, the second geological period of Mars 4 billion years ago began with volcanic activities that sprayed sulfur gas into the environment and made the planet dry.

The third geological period of Mars was from 3.2 to 3.5 billion years ago. During this period, minerals filled with iron oxide 3 prevented or altered the water source. The hot and dry acidic environment lasts until today and is no longer suitable for any form of life, including microorganisms.

International astronomers using a 305-meter radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory (USA) have discovered in the universe that many dark galaxies are unknown due to previous optical telescopes. close.

The Arecibo radio telescope environment research program (AGES), which began in the first four months of this year, has detected neutral hydrogen gas clouds in the cosmic region spanning 200 thousand years. the light. A series of dark galaxies that are 153 million light-years from Earth containing neutral hydrogen gas but not containing glowing stars have been discovered.

International astronomers argue that with the discovery of these dark galaxies, they have found dark matter that must theoretically exist but for some reason has been lost in the universe.