New technology warns early solar storms

Scientists have successfully invented new devices that can warn early solar storms. This is considered a breakthrough technology. It can minimize damage when a huge energy source from the storm can affect technology devices on Earth.

Technology breakthrough warning early solar storm

The current satellite system can only give early warning about 30 to 60 minutes before the solar storm hits Earth. This is too short a time, not enough to prevent any impact of the storm on Earth. However, new technology can warn of this phenomenon up to 24 hours.

Picture 1 of New technology warns early solar storms
Illustration of a solar storm - (NASA screenshot)

Technology developed by a team of Dr. Neel Savani of the Royal College of London (UK) and space scientists of the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA).

As humanity becomes more and more closely associated with technology, any disruption caused by spatial weather phenomena will greatly affect daily life, Dr. Savani said.

Picture 2 of New technology warns early solar storms
Solar storms can destroy satellites in space - NASA screenshots

Physical eruptions on the sun 's corona will release a giant cloud of energy into space. The cloud carries magnetic fields and if swept through the Earth will cause geomagnetic storms. They can destroy power grids on earth surfaces, satellite systems, disruption of radio waves and global positioning systems.

All devices that depend on such technologies such as cars, passenger aircraft . will be affected. In particular, the aircraft could not determine the exact height to land. The degree of influence depends on the explosion on the coronary rim and the power of the solar storm.