Ngo Bao Chau was honored at the Fields Institute

The symposium to honor Ngo Bao Chau mathematician will take place from October 15-18 at Fields Institute in Canada.

The Fields Institute's website reported that the focus of the upcoming symposium will be the study "Basic rules of the Langlands program" by Professor Ngo Bao Chau. Conference participants will assess the current and potential impact of the project. Professor Ngo Bao Chau will present the basic lemma in the opening session of the conference.

Picture 1 of Ngo Bao Chau was honored at the Fields Institute
Professor Ngo Bao Chau once worked in Vietnam. (Photo: Hoang Thuy)

The purpose of the conference, according to the Fields Institute, is to help mathematicians in particular and public opinion in general better understand the Langlands program, summarize the latest achievements in the field related to Ngo Bao Chau's work. .

Many of the world's leading mathematicians in other fields such as number theory, math, geometry will attend the conference. In addition, new graduates, researchers in other fields of mathematics, scientists who regularly use math at work are also invited.

Ingrid Daubechies, President of the International Math Union, Mr. Le Sy Vuong Ha, the Vietnamese ambassador to Canada, will also attend the conference.

Professor Ngo Bao Chau honors the education of France and Vietnam, when he was awarded the Fields Medal, the most honorary award in the world in the field of mathematics in 2010. Ngo Bao Chau solved it. a problem that has been difficult to survive in the last 30 years of world mathematics, a bridge between two areas of thought is unique in mathematics and thus paves the way for many other mathematicians in research.

The Fields Institute is an international math research center of the University of Toronto in Canada. Born in 1992, it was named after John Charles Fields, a mathematician at the University of Toronto and the founder of the Fields Medal in the field of mathematics.